5e Dmg Boons Gift From Gods

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Oct 18, 2017  A true E6 needs to take into account things like feats on warriors, sneak attack being so outpaced, unreasonably large HP pools, etc. Level 6 was chosen because it was roughly the start of the sweet spot, and let you grow your character with 'feats' (it should be more like epic boons in 5e, as per page 231-2 of the DMG). A character with boon of undetectability, stealth expertise, and pass without a trace can have +32 to stealth checks. Boon of spell recall and boon of high magic means you have three 9th level spells per day. I’ve recently updated both the Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide (minor tweaks to the layout, correcting some of the ever-present typos, and adding a few more converted spells) for AD&D3. The real time-sink of late has been my work on converting the 2nd edition Monstrous Manual for my AD&D3 rules. Forge Domain The gods of the forge are patrons of artisans who work with metal, from a humble blacksmith who keeps a village in horseshoes and plow blades to the mighty elf artisan whose diamond-tipped arrows of mithral have felled demon lords. Warlock Pact Boons Comments from the Finger: Quick intermission from the Wild West Update: The 5e Warlock class is one of the most interesting in the entire edition. In addition to selecting a subclass, the Patron (of which we've released a few), you can also select a Pact Boon, which further allows you to shape the class.

The PHB's required XP for leveling can generally be described as, 'For your next level, you'll need more than what was required for this level,' with a notable exception between going from level 10. Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Deities February 28, 2007 Deities – Core Page 4 Core Deities Name Reference Align Rank Nicknames / Portfolio Domains Weapon Symbol Bahamut (D&D p058) (Dcn p032) (DR323 p65)+ LG L “The Platinum Dragon”, “King of the Good Dragons”, “Lord of the North Wind” Good Dragons, Wind.


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  • Class Features

Though all faiths have their dedicated priests and righteous warriors, gods inspire devotion from a wide range of individuals. Even the most powerful deity is not too proud to turn such followers aside, for the worship of passionate acolytes is precious regardless of their backgrounds, professions, races, or ages, and they might lead others to the faith by example. These unusual but skillful followers of the gods are called evangelists.

An evangelist could have a childhood rooted in wealth or poverty, hail from the north or the south, and may have been raised in her faith or come to it late in life. She may follow one path strictly or dabble in multiple professions. She may be of any race and pledge her faith to any of the core deities. of all the preeminent followers of the core deities, the evangelist is the hardest to predict and shows the most variety in her abilities.

Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become an evangelist, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

  • Alignment: Within one step of chosen deity.
  • Deity: Must worship a single, specific deity.
  • Feat: Deific Obedience*
  • Special: Any one of the following:
    • base attack bonus +5
    • 5 ranks in any skill other than Knowledge (religion), or
    • ability to cast 3rd-level spells.

Alternate Requirements:

  • Alignment: Within one step of chosen deity.
  • Deity: Must worship a single, specific deity.
  • Feat: Fiendish Obedience*
  • Special: Any one of the following:
    • base attack bonus +7
    • 7 ranks in any skill other than Knowledge (religion), or
    • ability to cast 4rd-level spells.

Class Skills

The evangelist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), and Profession (Wis).

Skill Ranks at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Table: Evangelist
LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
1st+0+0+1+0Obedience, skilled
2nd+1+0+1+0Aligned class, protective grace
3rd+2+1+2+1Divine boon 1
4th+3+1+2+1Gift of tongues
5th+3+1+3+1Multitude of talents
6th+4+2+3+2Divine boon 2
7th+5+2+4+2Protective grace
8th+6+2+4+2Gift of tongues
9th+6+3+5+3Divine boon 3
10th+7+3+5+3Spiritual form

Class Features

The following are class features of the evangelist prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

An evangelist is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor. An evangelist also gains weapon proficiency with her chosen deity’s favored weapon.

Obedience (Ex)

In order to maintain the abilities granted by this prestige class, including all abilities gained from aligned class, an evangelist must perform a daily obedience to her chosen deity.


Evangelists possess a range of skills across multiple disciplines. At 1st level, an evangelist selects two skills to add to her class skill list. Once selected, these class skills can’t be changed.

Aligned Class (Ex)

Evangelists come from many different backgrounds, and they show an unusual range of diversity. At 2nd level, the evangelist must choose a class she belonged to before adding the prestige class to be her aligned class. She gains all the class features for this class, essentially adding every evangelist level beyond 1st to her aligned class to determine what class features she gains. She still retains the Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throw bonuses, and skill ranks of the prestige class, but gains all other class features of her aligned class as well as those of the evangelist prestige class.

5e Dmg Boons Gift From Gods 3

Protective Grace (Su)

The evangelist’s chosen deity rewards her with heightened awareness and reaction skills, making her more difficult to strike in combat. At 2nd level, the evangelist gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC.

This bonus increases to +2 at 7th level. The evangelist loses this bonus when she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC.

Divine Boon

Where are the Divine Boons? For details regarding boons granted by the gods of the official Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign setting, please see PCS:ISG.

As the evangelist gains levels, she gains boons from her chosen deity. The nature of these boons varies depending on the evangelist’s chosen deity. Each deity grants three boons, each more powerful than the last. At 3rd level, the evangelist gains the first boon. At 6th level, she gains the second boon, and at 9th level, she gains the third boon. Consult the Deific Obedience feat for details on divine boons. When a divine boon grants a spell-like ability, the evangelist’s caster level for the spell-like ability equals her total character level. This ability allows an evangelist to access these boons earlier than with the Deific Obedience feat alone; it does not grant additional uses of the boons once the character reaches the necessary Hit Dice to earn the boons normally.

Gift of Tongues

At 4th level, the evangelist may select a new language as a gift from her chosen deity. She gains the ability to speak and write this new language fluently, so as to better communicate with those she meets in the course of her travels. At 8th level, the evangelist selects a second language to learn. The ability to comprehend these languages is an instantaneous divine gift, and spells and effects that dispel persistent effects can’t remove the evangelist’s gift of tongues.

Multitude of Talents (Ex)

The evangelist finds herself in many strange situations requiring a variety of skills. Starting at 5th level, the evangelist gains a +4 sacred or profane bonus on any skill check attempted with a skill in which the character has no ranks. This bonus applies only to skill checks that can be made untrained.

Spiritual Form (Su)

Upon reaching 10th level, the evangelist gains the ability to assume a spiritual form. Assuming this form is a standard action, and the evangelist can remain in spiritual form for a number of minutes per day equal to her character level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. Returning to her normal form is a free action.

The evangelist’s spiritual form grants her telepathy to a range of 100 feet, as well as two variable abilities.

Dnd 5e Boon

Upon reaching 10th level, the evangelist must choose the form of these two abilities, and once she has selected them they can’t be changed. First, she chooses one ability score to which she gains a +4 bonus when in spiritual form. Second, she chooses one physical transformation from the following to gain when she transforms: wings (fly speed of 40 feet with good maneuverability), gills (ability to breathe water and a swim speed of 30 feet), or a single natural attack (a claw, bite, gore, slam, or tail sting that deals damage as appropriate for the evangelist’s size) as well as a temporary appendage capable of making such an attack if necessary.

5e Dmg Boons Gift From Gods Crossword

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods © 2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Sean K Reynolds, with Amanda Hamon, James Jacobs, John Ling, Mark Moreland, David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, Tork Shaw, James L. Sutter, Jerome Virnich.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Book of the Damned © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Adam Daigle, Amanda Hamon Kunz, James Jacobs, Isabelle Lee, F. Wesley Schneider, Todd Stewart, and Josh Vogt.