Gnar Build Runes Dmg Armor Magic Resist
Help me reach 50.000 Subscribers Also LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more new and amazing content!! FRENZY GNAR DEADLY SHOTS THIS DAMAGE IS CRAZY Feel Free to make any donations here: https. It honestly became a problem because they made negatron build off null magic. If negatron was a basic item, it might work now, currently it would be like Stormrazor building out of a chain vest. Increasing the armor and mr stat runes would be a good start. The champion designer for Gnar went on record to say he should NEVER be strong.
In the current meta, Amumu is a great jungler who primarily deals magic damage (77%). Amumu has the 4th highest win rate amongst junglers (out of 38). Prioritize completing Warmog's Armor early in your Amumu build, as players who had this item completed in their build had the highest win rates. Gnar Runes and Masteries? Edit: forgot to say that your build it black cleaver into full tank 90% of the time, you can add an hexdrinker if laning into an ap, but that's all the dps you should build. Armor per level yellows.magic resist per level blues. As for masteries I run 15/15,. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Nasus when played Top. Statistics include Nasus's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Counters include who Nasus Top is Strong or Weak Against. After 10 min gain +9 Armor and +9 Magic Resist and increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 5%. Mini Gnar: Throws a boomerang that deals 5/45/85/125/165 (+115% Attack Damage) physical damage and slows enemies by 15/20/25/30/35% for 2 seconds. The boomerang returns towards Gn. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Yorick when played Top. Statistics include Yorick's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Counters include who Yorick Top is Strong or Weak Against.
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I recently fixed up the screen of an original Game Boy (DMG-01) by using the 'soldering iron method' below the LCD panel to remove the vertical lines on the LCD. Game boy dmg game screenshot. It started to work fine again.
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+15-90 HP (lvls 1-18)
Top Lane
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Middle Lane
Ability Order
Middle Lane
Lol Gnar Runes
Ability Order
Genora's Guide to Fizz
This is my play style and set up for Fizz, some may like others won't, hope you enjoy!My Runes and Why
For my runes I mainly go for ability power, some may want mana regen and in that case a Greater Glyph of Replenishment would work just fine. As you know Ability Power = more damage and burst.Why Magic Resist/Armor?
I go for Magic Resist in this build because there is always gonna be that pesky AP magic damage champion that can two shot anything if played well. This is great for countering just that. The boots give a nice boost early game and allow you to poke more with your Seastone Trident and Urchin Strike at level 1 and 2 without worrying too much about a lot of burst. Late game is when you need to worry, especially in team fights. Athene's Unholy Grail gives CDR (Cool down Reduction) which is great for Fizz and gives Mana Regen on top of the resist. I highly recommend rushing it if you're getting nuked early game, picking up Chalice of Harmony first and then Fiendish Codex. Lichbane is strong with Fizz because with his Seastone Trident and Urchin Strike you can nuke someone under their tower and then Playful/Trickster and get away.With the Armor Build this is to counter champions like Tryndamere and Master Yi, which we all know can be very hard to kill late game. When you get your Zonya's your not only getting a decent amount of armor but an insane on use, use this when Tryndamere is low with ultimate up and wait for it to fall off, use it to leap into a tower for a kill and to asorb that one tower hit that would otherwise kill you. Rod of Ages and Rylai's help you from getting bursted from 100%-10% with one decent combo, if you are still getting hit hard I would recommend getting Randuin's Omen or Warmog's over Rod of Ages.
Skill Sequence
I pick this Skill Sequence because it is unlikely you will be using Playful/Trickster for anything but getting away. Seastone Trident is his main source of damage, it makes his auto-attack worthwhile and when he uses the active you can hit pretty hard with a good Urchin Strike and land early kills. His Urchin Strike is good, but not as good as Seastone Trident at level one, you can poke and let the dot tick a little, then go in again and with his passive this is easily done even through minions. Try not to use ultimate on just one person unless it is completely needed, or unless you are about to get kill early game and you know you can land it.Pros / Cons
High Mobility
Good Burst damage
Good survivability
Very good in team fights with ulti
Decent mobility
Medium damage
Bad survivability