Wakfu Sacrier Berserk Dmg
- Eliatrope [Fuck Off]: You don't get to play as an Eliatrope, fucker
- Osamodas [36 points]: Ally (100%, Always There, Sympathy [-50%]) [10], Striker (Impaling, Weak [-50%], Cannot Parry [-40%]) [2], Extra Arm (Tail, Weak [-25%], No Physical Attack [-50%]) [3], Modular Abilities 10 (Cosmic, Physical [+50%], Limited Use (1/Day) [-40%], FP Cost (2FP) [-10%], Requires Consumption of Willing Target [-40%], Can Only Take Traits Consumed Target Has [-40%]) [20], Fur [1]
- Sadida [35 points]: Ally (10%, Always There, Summonable [+100%], Minion [+50%]) [10], Self Destruct (Reduced Time 18 [+360%], Mitigator (Link to Great Tree, Constant) [-60%]) [-40], Shortened Lifespan 4 (Mitigator (Link to Great Tree, Constant) [-60%]) [-16], Extended Lifespan 3 (Accessability (As long as Link to Great Tree is present) [-10%] [6], Control 2 (Plants, Common, Nature [+100%]) [80], Obsession (Preservation of Plants, Minor) [-5]
- Xelor [35 points]: Self Destruct (Mitigator (Bandages e'rry the fuck where) [-60%]) [-4], Innate Attack (1d Fatigue Damage, Malediction [+100%], Magic [-10%], Hazard (Missed Sleep) [+50%]) [24], Magery 1 [15]
- Iop [35 points]: -3 IQ [-60], +2 ST [20], +2 HT [20], +0.5 Speed [10], Berserk (<=9, Friends and Loved Ones only [-50%]) [-5], Indomitable [20], +6 Will [30]
- Cra [35 points]: Create (Arrows) (Reflexive [+40%], Reduced FP Cost 2 [+10%]) [15], Innate Attack (3 Pi++, ST-Based [+100%], Follow Up on Bow Shots [+0%], Link (Created Arrows) [+10%]) [20]
- Ecaflip [36 points]: Compulsive Gambling (<=15) [-10], Extraodinary Luck (Reduced Time 2 [+40%], Undetectable [+10%]) [45], Fur [1]
- Eniripsa [35 points]: Short Attention Span (<=9) [-10], Healing (Faith Healing [+20%], Reduced FP Cost 6 [+30%]) [45]
- Feca [35 points]: Artificer Talent 2 [20], Detect Magic (Magic Item Properties Only [-50%], Precise [+100%]) [15]
- Enutrof [35 points]: Extended Lifespan 2 (Maximum Age Only [-50%]) [2], Obsession (Money, Major) [-10], Detect Valuables (Vague [-50%]) [5], Will +7 (Only when parting with valuables [-20%]) [28], HT +1 [10]
- Sram [35 points]: Invisibility (Can Carry Objects (Light) [+20%], Switchable [+10%], 2 FP Cost [-10%], 1 Use per day (Slow Reload) [-35%], Maximum Duration (20 seconds) [-75%], Affects Machines [+50%]) [24], Move +4 (Only When Invisible [-20%]) [12], Careful [-1]
- Sacrier [35 points]: 35 DR (Ablative [-80%], Absorbtion (Temporary Disadvantage (Numb) [-20%]) [+80%], Magic [-10%], Obvious [-20%], Cannot Wear Armour [-40%], Force Field [+20%], Temporary Disadvantage (Hemophillia) [-30%]) [35]
- Pandawa [36 points]: +2 HT [20], Fur [1], Alcohol Tolerance [1], No Hangover [1], Magery 1 (Only Whilst Drunk) [9], Innate Attack A (1 dmg, Crushing, Melee (C) [-30%], ST Based [+100%], Link (Innate Attack B) [+10%], 2FP Cost) [2], Innate Attack B (1 dmg, Crushing, Melee (C) [-30%], ST Based [+100%], Link (Innate Attack A) [+10%]) [2]
- Masqueradier [35 points]: Multiple Personalities (Pick four sets equaling -30 points, Irresistable) (Only whilst wearing the appropriate mask [-20%]) [-60 total], Combat Reflexes (Only Whilst Wearing Speed OR Strength Masks [-20%]) [12], Move +5 (Only Whilst Wearing Speed Mask [-30%]) [17], ST +3 (Only Whilst Wearing Strength Mask [-30%]) [21], DR 6 (Only Whilst Wearing Defense Mask [-30%]) [21], Magery 1 (Only Whilst Wearing Magic Mask [-30%]) [12], EP 5 (Only Whilst Wearing Magic Mask [-30%]) [10], FP 5 (Only Whilst Wearing Defense or Magic Masks [-20%]) [12]
- Rogue [35 points]: Fanaticism (The Family) [-15], +1 ST [10], +1 HT [10], +1 DX [20], Perfect Balance [15], -1 HP [-3], -1 FP [-2]
- Unaligned Human [0 points]: Basic Human
Wakfu Sacrier Berserk Dmg 3
Mar 05, 2012 www.wakfu.com There's no use trying to beat a Sacrier disciple into submission - they like it too much! In fact, these berserkers only become more powerful with each blow from their enemy! As an Air Sacrier, you will be naturally using the Air tree. The Main skills you will be using are: Motion Sickness (1AP/1MP): 3-21 base dmg + Applies Motion sickness which does 1-12 dmg per square the target is moved (up to 3 squares). The most powerful sacrier in the world of twelve. His whole life has been filled only with fights. By the way, i can’t even imagine him losing, and according to legend, he has never lost,and i don’t just say that because i’m the son of this big nutcase. Sacrier is a Berserker class. Bloodthirsty warrior who draws strength from damage received. The key characteristics of Sacriers is their ability to accumulate more Health Points than any other class in the World of Twelve. Backstab/Critical Hit/Berserk Damage give more damage per point than Critical Hit Chance if you can always guarantee their conditions. Parity is at +1400% dmg, after which Critical Hit Chance is always better. Welcome to Reddit, Hey its Jirokure:3 Also known as Fire Fist Jiro (not really) Well kinda new to wakfu. Started off as a Sacrier (tried other stuff but thinking of sticking to one until 100 for now). Going the manly berserker way and thinking my damage so far is normal but noticed Im actually weak as heck after meeting some sacrier lower level.
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