Warframe Slash Dmg Primary

I have always felt that weapons in games are just as important as characters. In many games, our weapons are how we interact with the world of the game. They are the source of most of the feedback that we receive as players, and their character models are constantly on our screens. Warframe is no different, and it has hundreds of weapons to choose from. In this guide, I am going to run through some of my favorite weapons in the game at the moment, and explain why I feel they are some of the best primary weapons in the game.

If you like warframe-builder.com and would like to support me, give me a hand or return the favor for the five years I worked on this app (not sure it's a good way to say it, I've always been bad for asking help), please consider trying my kinetic novel, available on Steam. What is Warframe? Warframe is a free to play 3rd person shooter/hack and slash co-op game. It features the Tenno; a race of humanoids that wear armored suits that give them special powers. Warframe could be described as a combination of Mass Effect 3, Borderlands, and Bioshock Infinite. Tigris Prime comes in 1st place with its insane amount of base damage. Many Warframe players across the internet agree that Tigris Prime is the best primary weapon available. While Arca Plasmor is excellent for crowd control, Tigris Prime is the best option for single, high-level targets. Stats: 156 Impact; 156 Puncture; 1248 Slash; 1560 Total Damage. First Part:Slash will continue working as it does now, stacking multiple status effects on top of one another. Second part: We are also making a change in how a proc’s associated damage output is calculated - before, a Slash proc would scale based on the weapon’s total base damage output. Warframe is filled with hundreds of weapons, but which ones should you use? In this guide I run through what I feel are some of the best primary weapons in the game right now. This article is to explain and give insight to all that the Damage system in Warframe entails, such as Puncture, Slash and Impact base damage, as well as Elemental damage (Heat, Cold, Electricity and Toxin) and Elemental Combo damage (Blast, Corrosive, Radiation, Viral, Magnetic and Gas) – and Finisher damage (bypass shields and armor and goes straight onto health), yellow, orange and red crits. Warframe Primary Weapons Comparison by LemonYourAid. I’m going to list stats of some of the primary weapons I’ve used and list their cost, and actually worth to me. I’ll also be adding what secondary they work best with. MK1-Braton Dmg: 13.0 Rate: 8.3.

I also want to point out that none of these weapons are here because of how they perform in the Simulacrum. I just don't see a lot of value in those tests outside of satisfying curiosity. It is all based on thousands of hours spent in the game, playing missions to find out if weapons perform well in actual in-game activities. Also, the list is not in any particular order of preference, which one I use will largely depend on what I am doing in the game at the time.

Best Primary Weapons

Ignis/Ignis Wraith

You can pick up the Ignis Wraith from the Chem Lab in the Dojo at Mastery Rank 5, and I strongly advise you find someone who will sell you the Blueprint for the Ignis Wraith when you hit Mastery Rank 9. The Ignis Wraith is an absolute monster when modded the right way, and will rapidly burn through rooms of enemies. I will regularly use this in all the endgames activities and find it makes a mockery of stacked up enemies in tier three Sorties. Build for extra damage, crit chance, and add some Dual Stat mods to lean into the elemental damage type you want, then watch your enemies just melt away in front of you.

Tigris Prime

Probably the most vicious shotgun in the game, the Tigris Prime is capable of the kind of single target damage that makes you wonder if there is any threat in the game that can stand up to its insane damage output. I like to maximize Slash damage and build into Radiation and Viral damage to take advantage of those vicious Slash procs. This beast can be modded to reach 100% Status Chance, and the double fire mechanism means that whatever doesn't die when you click your mouse button absolutely will when you let it go again. The only real downsides are the reload and single target focus, but this is a constant companion for Sortie Assassinations, or anything with a lot of high scales, heavy armor.

Rubico Prime

My go-to weapon for Eidolon Hunting, this is the only Sniper Rifle that makes my list. Sorry to the Lanka and Vectis fans, I think the damage out of the Rubico is more than enough to be competitive, and the rapid-fire nature of this particular Sniper Rifle puts it a step above the competition. Lots of Forma, Radiation damage and Critical Chance and Damage mods make Eidolon hunting a breeze.

Arca Plasmor

The Arca Plasmor has been a ridiculously good weapon since it arrived in the game, and it has held onto its status as one of the most popular weapons in the game despite some nerfs. Ridiculous damage out, 100% Status Chance potential, and insane room clearing ability make this a fantastic choice at any point in the game. I like to lean hard into Blast and Radiation damage with this one, just because I really like watching things die.


Gotten in the form of a drop from the Stalker, the Dread has been a highly regarded bow in Warframe since the Stalker first arrived. Huge single target damage potential, it is popular among people who like to run stealth frames, or just challenge themselves a little more when it comes to their aim. With a starting Crit Chance of 25%, the Dread can easily achieve the beloved Red Crits with the right mods. It also has innate Punch Through, for when you really want to kill a few birds with one stone. High Slash damage and good Status Chance means a lot of Slash procs, so building some Viral damage on this one is a great idea.


While the Lenz isn't everyone's cup of tea, I adore it. A bow that does massive AoE damage? What more could you ask for? Some folks struggle with the fact that the Lenz can kill you with the damage it does if you are careless or unlucky, but I love running it on Limbo. Shoot, then sidestep for that sweet immunity and reload, then sidestep and shoot again. Capable of massive damage output due to it's high Critical and Status Chance, the only real downside is that ammo for it is so limited. Still, just run a Carrier as your companion, and that should cover things nicely. It also looks amazing, which get bonus points from me.

Tiberon Prime

With three firing modes, covering Burst, Auto, and Semi-Auto, the Tiberon Prime is hugely adaptable, depending on what you are shooting at the time. A ridiculous base Critical Chance of 28% on the Burst fire mode and 30% on Semi-auto means it also rewards the more skilled players among us. It combines this with solid Status Chance and base damage and a great damage profile against all enemies in the game to really be worth your time. Combine with a Riven for one of the most joyous experiences you can have in the game as everything just melts before you.


I sometimes think the Baza gets slept on a little bit, but it is pretty much my go-to weapon for any mission involving stealth. Complete silent, with a great Critical Chance, this thing will melt an enemy before they even know you are there. I have only really noticed issues against the highest level enemies, but when you are running stealthy missions you should only ever be fighting a few of these, or else you are doing it all wrong anyway. High accuracy and low recoil mean this thing is a laser, but you do want to get up close and personal with enemies due to its damage falloff over distance.


Sitting in a similar spot as the Ignis, the Amprex is designed to clear rooms. I personally find the Ignis Wraith a bit more effective at high levels, but I would argue the Amprex is superior at rapidly clearing mobs at lower levels because its damage will arc between them. While the Ignis leans into Status effects, this one is all about hitting those Criticals, so build lots of Critical Chance and Critical Damage. You can also largely ignore the negative effect that some damage mods will have on accuracy to really drive those numbers through the roof. The real downside is the limited range compared to the Ignis, but I like to pair this with fast moving Warframes because range doesn't matter when you can rapidly close the distance between you and the bad guys.

Opticor Vandal

The Opticor Vandal left some fans of the classic Opticor a little cold, but I adore it. I will happily trade off the increase rate of fire for some missing damage, and even then the damage output from this weapon is still very impressive. You'll need to take part in the Buried Debts event if you want to get your hands on it, and I really feel it is worth your time. Very high Critical Chance, Critical Multiplier and Status Chance mean there isn't many enemies in the game this weapon can't deal with.


Supra Vandal

Currently only available from Baro Ki'Teer from 250,000 Credits and 500 Ducats, this is an incredibly fun rifle to use. It will absolutely hurl rounds down range when fully spooled up, and is capable of reaching 100% Status Chance. It also comes with a huge magazine and large ammo reserves, meaning you don't rapidly run dry, despite the rate of fire it can reach.

So there you go Tenno, my list of what I consider to be the best primary weapons in the game right now. I'd bet my Excalibur Prime that you can have good fun with all of these and that they are worth spending some Forma on to really get the best out of them.

Welcome to the second part of the Warframe weapon tiers. High five! Keep in mind that the info is from this spreadsheet. Also, the sheet indicates all secondary weapons being tested. Rankings may change in the future. Now for part 2, we’ll focus on secondary and melee weapons! To prevent info dumping you folks, let’s concentrate on the top three weapons for both secondary and melee weapons. While secondary weapons are used in the same way as mentioned in the previous article, Part 1, there are too many categories for melee weapons. All right, let’s cut to the chase and talk about weaponry.

Warframe Best Slash Damage Primary

What are the best secondary Weapons?

Warframe High Slash Primary

  • Akstiletto Prime
  • Eupona Prime
  • Pandro

Akstiletto Prime

The Akstiletto Prime is the dual pistol is highly accurate, has a good critical chance, great status chance, fast fire rate, and fast reload time. Combine those perks with a large ammo pool, and you’ll get an efficient machine gun pistol. The bread and butter are this: there’s no recoil, making this dual pistol a sort of jack-of-all-trades gun. It deals mostly impact damage and has small puncture damage, so it’s inefficient against armored enemies.

Euphona Prime

A prime shotgun sidearm with high impact damage that’s effective on shields. Plus, it has high critical chance and multiplier, which makes it accurate for a shotgun. Its alternate fire mode that can be used while rolling is a very short range shotgun blast with a high-status chance.

The weapon has a slow firing rate and reloading speed can be slow. The magazine is small. Since it’s a shotgun, it’s hard to aim at a range, especially since it uses both bullet-drop and non-hits can projectiles. Ultimately, the alternate fire mode has is a range of effectiveness. Beyond that range, the damage is less. Also, it has a large, inconsistent spread.


The Pandero is the signature firearm of Octavia. The pistol has high damage, the maximum critical chance, and a high critical multiplier. Besides, it has a high-status chance and fast reloading. The alternate fire mode releases the rest of the bullets in the magazine in one quick burst. Combine these features with the magazine increasing mods to get a bigger boom. It normally has a small magazine capacity, and its alternate fire isn’t ideal for long ranges. Also, because the alt-fire option doesn’t enable the player to zoom, some mods aren’t sufficient for this weapon.

For more Warframe, check this out: Warframe Best Primary Weapons

How about the top melee weapons?

  • Atterax
  • Galantine Prime
  • JatKittag


Warframe Slash Dmg Primary Care

Now, this is a Grineer whip that has high critical damage tied with several other melee weapons. It deals slash damage, primarily, making it effective on flesh enemies, such as Infested. Plus, it has a longer range as well as high-status chance. Atterax normal attacks have momentum, which means knock back or stagger won’t interrupt the attack. Slide attacks are the recommendation for this weapon. On the other hand, the drawbacks include slow attack speed and low impact and puncture damage.

Galantine Prime

Warframe Slash Dmg Primary 2

A heavy blade with the highest base damage of all melee weapons and deals slash damage, mainly, similar to Atterax. Its critical chance isn’t as high as Atterax, but it’s still pretty good. Another similarity is momentum during regular attacks. It has a 6-meter range area of effect jump attack that knocks enemies down. Cleaving Whirlwind stance is recommended. The disadvantage of this weapon is little impact and puncture damage. The author in the spreadsheet said it best: “Great reach, great damage, great critical, great status, great great great weapon! And it’s a great sword! Hah.”


JatKittag is a hammer that has the third highest base damage. It deals impact damage, which is beneficial for armored enemies, but not so much for fleshy ones. Similar to the weapons mentioned before, the JatKittag has momentum and staggers enemies with regular attacks. It has a pretty high-status chance, ranking second of all the two-handed melee weapons. Slide and jump attacks knock down enemies, with the bonus of the jump attack having a large area of effect radius. Jump attacks also proc blast, and can ragdoll enemies very far. The recommended posture for this weapon is the Crushing Ruin stance. Again, it’s not as useful on flesh enemies. Also, its first strike may delay, somewhat.

For more Warframe, check this out: The Best Warframes for Each Role

Warframe Slash Dmg Primary System


Perhaps these are the strongest secondary and melee weapons in Warframe, but it depends on who you ask. If you prefer other weapons, then that’s totally fine. All of us have different preferences and play styles so, don’t worry if you don’t have all of these weapons. You can always earn or buy them. Hopefully, you got what you needed in this Warframe Best Secondary article.

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For more Warframe, check this out: Unlock Warframe Natah for the Second Dream Quest

Warframe Slash Dmg Primary 2017


Mch low dmg ffxiv. The quest giver is an NPC named Stephanivien. You must have an existing Level 50 combat class (DoW or DoM). You must have completed “Before the Dawn” (all story quests prior to 3.0). What are the MCH Requirements?. 3) Only then will the Machinist unlock quest open up –Where do I unlock Machinist?The quest name is “Savior of Skysteel”, which is found in Foundation (8,10).