Whats The Max Criit Dmg U Can Build

  1. What's The Max Crit Dmg U Can Build Free
  2. What's The Max Crit Dmg U Can Build 2017
Hello Exiles,
This build is based on the New unqiue Claw Touch of Anguish and the new Grand spectrum jewel.
-Too much dps
-Free Frenzy
-Ez max crit cap
-Free 2x chains
-High ES Pool
-Whirling blades
-Maybe no need for stun immunity couse 2 New flask ( The Overflowing Chalice and kiars determination )
-Ez pack clear
-Phys medigation around 25 % so care for phys
-Atziri and uber not the best build for ( you need to stand still for casting)
2x touch of anguish
Perandus signet ( if there are mana problems)
Rest rare
Atziris pomise
kiars determination
The Overflowing Chalice
The Sorrow of the Divine
-6lChest : Ice spear , Lmp , faster proj , spell echo , cold to fire , life leech
-4l voidbringer: Herald of ice , enlighten , empower , Cold to fire
-4l Vertex: Discipline , clariy , empower , enhance
-3l claw: Whirling blades , faster attacks , fortify
-3l Claw: Vaal haste , vaal discipline , inc duration
-4l Boots : ice golem , fire golem , minion speed , blind
Dmg Calculation on the sources i know atm :
Inc. Dmg:
11x Grand Spectrum (5%) x 11 = 605% dmg inc.
Fire golem 120% inc fire dmg
Ice golem 40% inc cold dmg
Cold damge 43%
Fire 33%
Ele dmg 80%
2x Touch of angush 60% inc cold mg
Total= 981% inc dmg !!!
More dmg:
6 Time Frenzy 24%
shock 50%
Total= 76% More dmg (+ 2 % pen)
Ice spear second form 600%
From tree 210%
Ice golem 60%
Voidbringer 145%
total= 1015% crit x7% base = 78,05 % crit !!
Base 150%
Tree 189%
total= 339% Crit multiplier
I will need a bit of help in my tree 123 Points .. Maybe someone see some good other ways ore something or i will get rid of some e shield. Feel free to help me
Last edited by Materie on Jun 2, 2016, 1:16:57 PM
Posted by
on Jun 2, 2016, 12:40:49 PM
(30 to 40)% increased Critical Strike Chance is weapon local crit not global .
U gonna need a certain distance since the first form cant chain.
U may get low ES or less damage since that is a lvl 100 build planned.
Maps can roll status aliment resist or immune to it .
As far as damage goes should be ok those jewels are really strong.
Posted by
on Jun 2, 2016, 12:51:26 PM
(30 to 40)% increased Critical Strike Chance is weapon local crit not global .
U gonna need a certain distance since the first form cant chain.
U may get low ES or less damage since that is a lvl 100 build planned.
Maps can roll status aliment resist or immune to it .
As far as damage goes should be ok those jewels are really strong.
Sorry overread the crit ty . And i tested it alrdy you dont need much projectile speed for second form start fast . you can stay near monsters and its enough
Posted by
on Jun 2, 2016, 12:57:43 PM
Projectile Speed does not affect when the second form starts. It's a fixed distance away from you.
Why not go Inquisitor? If you're always going to crit, ignoring elemental resistances is the shit.
Pyre instead of Cold to Fire and AoF, maybe? Saves you a few skill points and a support gem.
Also, until the league starts, I'm going to assume that Grand Spectrums will be insanely expensive.
Last edited by Minimized on Jun 2, 2016, 1:09:46 PM
Posted by
on Jun 2, 2016, 1:09:04 PM
Projectile Speed does not affect when the second form starts. It's a fixed distance away from you.
Why not go Inquisitor? If you're always going to crit, ignoring elemental resistances is the shit.
Pyre instead of Cold to Fire and AoF, maybe? Saves you a few skill points and a support gem.
Also, until the league starts, I'm going to assume that Grand Spectrums will be insanely expensive.

I want to ne Reflect Save and elementalist is in my opinion Stronger Then Inquisitor. Elemental conflux and beacon of Ruin Are Both Strong points
Cold to Fire for higher initial hit and double dip
Posted by
on Jun 2, 2016, 1:14:56 PM
I like the idea of your build.
But I'm kinda wondering if it would work.
Also some calculations are wrong.
First of all, your frenzy charge generation may lack. I'm not sure if your 20% freeze chance would be enough to sustain them?
Why aren't you using power charges? At least the three base charges? 150%-200% crit chance would help you a lot to cap your crit chance.
Your Fire golem shouldnt give you 120% inc dmg. It offers 20% dmg x2 -> 40% dmg. let's also take the 40% inc dmg the elementalist gives -> 80% inc dmg.
High es with 226% inc es and without shield? Theres like no way you could get 10k es with that setup.
Why linking clarity with empower and enhance? Quality only offers aura radius?
Herald of ice with cold to fire? Wouldnt be something like Innervate (+ frostbite) better?
You don't use any curses or penetration?
Also I wouldn't take elementalist.
It offers nothing, what improves your build a lot.
The golem node is nice. no question, but all in all youre getting only 120% inc dmg. and to gain these full 120% dmg you need to convert your dmg. Converting cold dmg is kinda like. :/
Reduced Reflect dmg taken is nice, too, but not necessary with vaal pact and life leech. You will easily survive reflect, as long as you have a nice hitpool.
Elemental Conflux + Proliferation. Well Ice Spear doesn't benefit so much from the Proliferation. Especially with chain. Also Elemental Conflux is in usual situations like 50% more dmg (what you can also acheive wit getting a bit flat lightning dmg). But how to proc it for bosses? In the most difficult situation it will do nothing.
Let's compare it with Inquistior.
You get 30% cast speed and 30% spell dmg. -> At least equal, if not even better than the golem node.
You get a looot multiplier (nearly like a multiplier gem).
You will deal more dmg on end game maps for sure. and I don't talk about 10% more dmg or so.
It's pretty difficult to don't roll elemental equilibrium or Cold/fire resistances on maps. And since you convert 50% these stats would affect you a lot. Ele Equilibirum increases for example both monster res for 25%.
It's not difficult to have monsters with resistances, and many bosses can gain like that 75% res.
Inquisitor would deal 300% more dmg than your Elementalist.. 300% more dmg!
It would look a bit different, if you would use a penetration gem with your elementalist. but that penetration gem would only penetrate 18,5% of your full dmg, since you convert 50%. Pretty crappy.
So if you really want to stick with Elementalist (what is just not good for crit builds), exchange the cold to fire gem with cold penetration. You would get instead of 29% more dmg, 37% penetration. Even the 73% inc dmg you would loose aren't even equal to that penetration (since you have already a lot inc dmg).
But your concept is nice and interesting. :)
Posted by
on Jun 2, 2016, 2:13:37 PM
I like the idea of your build.
But I'm kinda wondering if it would work.
Also some calculations are wrong.
First of all, your frenzy charge generation may lack. I'm not sure if your 20% freeze chance would be enough to sustain them?
Why aren't you using power charges? At least the three base charges? 150%-200% crit chance would help you a lot to cap your crit chance.
Your Fire golem shouldnt give you 120% inc dmg. It offers 20% dmg x2 -> 40% dmg. let's also take the 40% inc dmg the elementalist gives -> 80% inc dmg.
High es with 226% inc es and without shield? Theres like no way you could get 10k es with that setup.
Why linking clarity with empower and enhance? Quality only offers aura radius?
Herald of ice with cold to fire? Wouldnt be something like Innervate (+ frostbite) better?
You don't use any curses or penetration?
Also I wouldn't take elementalist.
It offers nothing, what improves your build a lot.
The golem node is nice. no question, but all in all youre getting only 120% inc dmg. and to gain these full 120% dmg you need to convert your dmg. Converting cold dmg is kinda like. :/
Reduced Reflect dmg taken is nice, too, but not necessary with vaal pact and life leech. You will easily survive reflect, as long as you have a nice hitpool.
Elemental Conflux + Proliferation. Well Ice Spear doesn't benefit so much from the Proliferation. Especially with chain. Also Elemental Conflux is in usual situations like 50% more dmg (what you can also acheive wit getting a bit flat lightning dmg). But how to proc it for bosses? In the most difficult situation it will do nothing.
Let's compare it with Inquistior.
You get 30% cast speed and 30% spell dmg. -> At least equal, if not even better than the golem node.
You get a looot multiplier (nearly like a multiplier gem).
You will deal more dmg on end game maps for sure. and I don't talk about 10% more dmg or so.
It's pretty difficult to don't roll elemental equilibrium or Cold/fire resistances on maps. And since you convert 50% these stats would affect you a lot. Ele Equilibirum increases for example both monster res for 25%.
It's not difficult to have monsters with resistances, and many bosses can gain like that 75% res.
Inquisitor would deal 300% more dmg than your Elementalist.. 300% more dmg!
It would look a bit different, if you would use a penetration gem with your elementalist. but that penetration gem would only penetrate 18,5% of your full dmg, since you convert 50%. Pretty crappy.
So if you really want to stick with Elementalist (what is just not good for crit builds), exchange the cold to fire gem with cold penetration. You would get instead of 29% more dmg, 37% penetration. Even the 73% inc dmg you would loose aren't even equal to that penetration (since you have already a lot inc dmg).
But your concept is nice and interesting. :)

First off all thank You for your detailed answer !
The Fire Golem i missread ty i will edit that ..
The 20 % Chance to freeze Comes on top the freeze from critical so basacly May half chance to freeze from Crit + 20 Chance to freeze from Claw and passives so roundabout 70% Till 80% i think.
I think about Inquisitor aswell But i Liked the new elementalist Buff
I took Cold to Fire to get higher base dmg for burning dmg but i regocnize its not that Strong as Would be
Your answer was very helpfull ty Thats something i looked for apriciate
Sorry for Bad english
Posted by
on Jun 2, 2016, 2:45:23 PM

First off all thank You for your detailed answer !
The Fire Golem i missread ty i will edit that ..
The 20 % Chance to freeze Comes on top the freeze from critical so basacly May half chance to freeze from Crit + 20 Chance to freeze from Claw and passives so roundabout 70% Till 80% i think.
I think about Inquisitor aswell But i Liked the new elementalist Buff
I took Cold to Fire to get higher base dmg for burning dmg but i regocnize its not that Strong as Would be
Your answer was very helpfull ty Thats something i looked for apriciate
Sorry for Bad english

You missunderstood the drawback of the claw: touch of anguish.
Your crits don't freeze automatically. Your crits freeze only, if your chance to freeze hits.
Since you have no chance to freeze on skill tree and only two claws, you would have 2x 10% chance to freeze.
Sadly, nobody was able to test the claw yet, so I can't say if 20% chance to freeze are enough.
Happy to hear, that I was able to help you. :)
And yea, cold to fire increases your base dmg, but the final dmg is with penetration a lot higher. :D
Posted by
on Jun 2, 2016, 3:17:24 PM

How much dmg does reaper do. I main warrior and have basically the same crit setup as @Based12 258 or 278 (power or crit necklace) depending on the availability of Mystic in party to get that 100% scythe crit. I saw this as the maximum effective crit value range for warriors. This setup has me always at highest dps next to brawler or ninja in dungeon parties. I use +15 SF. (30 to 40)% increased Critical Strike Chance is weapon local crit not global. U gonna need a certain distance since the first form cant chain. U may get low ES or less damage since that is a lvl 100 build planned. Maps can roll status aliment resist or immune to it. As far as damage goes should be ok those jewels are really strong. May 29, 2018  yet another to add to the MAX CRIT CHANCE AND DAMAGE BUILDS. I love it and this edition is the ALPHA BRIDGE edition. SIX PIECE SOLO PVP.

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Whats The Max Criit Dmg U Can Build Tryndamere is supposed to be a hard champion to master I sucked with him untill I made this build, it makes him so easy to master and play.


I got the mark,glyph,and quintesence of Furor. This will make his crits do so much more damage because he has a 80% crit chance.I got the seal of alacrity so that you are near full attack speed which means that you will do more crits and kill the enemy faster. This runes got my crit damage betwwen 500-1100.


All the items I got are simple. They are movement speed, attack speed, crit chance, crit damage,life steal,and straight damage.

Creeping / Jungling

What i did as Tryndamere is later in the game 12+ I jungled to get money for a item so I dont die when trying to get money from killing champs and minions. When you jungle and your health goes low use your stacks of Bloodlust to heal yourself. The jungling also helps you level up a bit. This is usful so you can recall and buy your items.


Later in the game when you have good attack speed and spinning slash it is easy to farm. What I did was go to a group of minions and use spinning slash them use your normal attack to wipe out the rest of the minions and get lots of money.

What's The Max Crit Dmg U Can Build Free

Team Work

When you are in a team fight you will usally get targeted. So you should be able to fight the enemy team and when you crit or kill you get stacks of bloodlust. When you have a good amount of stacks you should heal with bloodlust.
If a friend is running away from a enemy champion so you should get behind the enemy champion and use mocking shout. When they are slowed catch up to them and kill them with spinning slash and then use normal attack. After that you should heal with bloodlust.

Summoner Spells

What's The Max Crit Dmg U Can Build 2017

The summoner spells are a big part of Tryndamere. The heal is so if your bloodlust is on cooldown you can use it to heal yourself then. The exhaust is for if you use your mocking shout but there still getting away. Another use for exhaust is if you are getting chased because mocking shout only slows if the enemy champ isnt facing you it will only reduce their attack damage if they do face you. These are the uses of your summoner spells.