Dmg Fishing Tackle
Feb 02, 2013 A Bank Box & The Civil War - If It Wasn't Recorded You Wouldn't Believe Me- Equinox Metal Detecting - Duration: 19:01. Damage Control -DMG 443,605 views. Guaranteed lowest prices on bass fishing tackle from every top brand. Tackle Warehouse - Bass Fishing Shop for Fishing Rods, Reels, Swimbaits and Lures Tackle Warehouse. Best fishing tackle shop in the world. Vincent Donnelly. A Video Tour Of Fishing Tackle Australia. Mystery Tackle Box 1,588,197 views. This is a normal fishing rod except that the hook was replaced by a dagger. This weapon is a 15 ft reach weapon that does damage based on the attached weapon. Most Light weapons can be attached to the rod, such as a light mace, kukri, dagger, etc. To add a different weapon, you must replace the current one which takes a Full-round action. Nov 03, 2019 Incredible magnet fishing hunt! I went out magnet fishing this day just to test out a new magnet stick that my friends at Anderson Detector Shafts are designing in order to let them know if. What is rolled when using fishing tackle to pull in a fish? Ask Question Asked 1 year, 9 months ago. DMG p.237, 'Using Ability Scores.' Having fishing tackle and hunting traps and so forth on the equipment list is just an easy way for the party to spend a little money and show they've given enough thought to the matter to avoid.
Home >Alternative Rule Systems >Spheres of Might >Character Options >Contents
- Weapon Descriptions
- Weapon Modifications
(Martial) Light Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
War mallet | 15 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | x2 | – | 2 lbs. | B | distracting, performance, see text |
(Martial) One-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
War flute | 16 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x2 | – | 7 lbs. | B | distracting, performance, see text |
(Martial) Two-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
War lute | 50 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | – | 8 lbs | B | distracting, performance, see text |
(Exotic) Light Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Battle wrench | 80 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | x3 | – | 3 lbs. | B | disarm, see text |
Climbing pick | 20 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | x4 | – | 1 lbs. | P | see text |
Torch | 1 cp | 1d2 | 1d3 | x2 | 10 ft. | 2 lbs. | B | see text |
(Exotic) One-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Battle stein | 10 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | x2 | – | 5 lbs. | B | see text |
(Exotic) Two-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Fishing tackle | 20 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | x2 | – | 5 lbs. | B | grapple, see text |
Dual blade | 350 gp | 2d4 | 2d6 | 19-20/x2 | – | 12 lbs. | S | see text |
Scimitar, two-bladed | 100 gp | 1d4/1d4 | 1d6/1d6 | 18-20/x2 | – | 10 lbs. | S | double |
Ten foot pole | 5 sp | 1d4/1d4 | 1d6/1d6 | x2 | – | 15 lbs. | B | double, reach, see text |
(Exotic) Ranged Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Net launcher | 75 gp | – | – | – | 30 ft. | 8 lbs. | – | see text |
Modifications | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Chain net | +100 gp | – | – | – | – | +15 lbs. | – | see text |
Scabbard, oiler | +20 gp | – | – | – | – | +1 lb. | – | see text |
Training | 1/2 | As base weapon | +0 lbs. | B | see text |
Weapon Descriptions
Battle Stein
This mug seems to be an ordinary lidded stein, but is weighted and reinforced for combat.
If a creature is proficient with the battle stein and is currently wielding it, that creature may drink its contents as a move action. If they possess the hard drinker ability from the Barroom base sphere, they may drink the contents as a swift action after making an attack action with the battle stein. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This benefit cannot be used to drink an extract.
Battle Wrench
This object appears to be an oversized wrench, but is weighted for swinging.
The battle wrench is not simply a single tool, but is equipped with many foldable parts that allow it to double as a set of thieves’ tools when performing Disable Device checks. A masterwork battle wrench counts as a set of masterwork thieves’ tools.
The battle wrench’s slim design makes it possible to hide with the Sleight of Hand skill.
Climbing Pick
Mac cleaner free reviews. Balanced and sharpened for equal utility in penetrating rock and piercing armor.
While anyone can use a climbing pick to climb, a creature proficient with the climbing pick can also use it for warfare. Also, the bonus provided by a climbing pick to climbing checks increases to +2 in the hands of someone proficient in its use.
Dual Blade
This sword appears to be a single blade, but easily splits into two. The dual blade functions as a single sword, but as a swift action can be split into two smaller swords. When split in this fashion, the dual blades deal 1d6 damage (1d4 for Small creatures) and are treated as light weapons. These weapons may be joined into a dual blade as a swift action. A dual blade can only be joined with both parts of the original weapon. If a dual blade possesses an enhancement bonus and weapon special abilities, both separate weapons gain all of its associated magic, but with its enhancement bonus treated as if it were 1 lower on each individual sword (minimum 0). Dual blades come with a sheath that requires them to be combined in order to be stored.
Fishing Tackle
A fishing rod, string, hook, and lure. Fishing tackle grants a +1 circumstance bonus on Survival checks when gathering food around bodies of water that contain fish. If a character is proficient with the fishing tackle, this bonus increases to +2.
In the hands of a proficient character, fishing tackle is both a melee weapon (in which it case it has no range and deals bludgeoning damage) and a ranged weapon (in which case it has a maximum range of 20 ft. and deals piercing damage, but has its damage die decreased by 2 sizes). Retrieving the hook after making a ranged attack is a free action.
In addition to making ranged attacks, you may also use a fishing rod to manipulate objects or people. Upon making a successful ranged touch attack against an unattended object that you could hold in one hand, you may immediately move that object to your hand as a free action. Targets whose natural reach includes the path that object must take (i.e., are within the line of effect) can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your base attack bonus + your Dexterity modifier) as an immediate action to attempt to grab the object as it flies by.
Alternately, if you succeed at a ranged touch attack against a creature, you may attempt a drag, trip, disarm, or stealcombat maneuver against that target at a distance as a free action. Performing a maneuver from a distance in this fashion does not provoke an attack of opportunity (except as normal when making a ranged attack).
Net Launcher
Resembling an unusually sized crossbow, this device can launch a net much farther than it can be thrown.
This modified heavy crossbow may only be loaded with a bola, brutal bola, or a folded net or snag net. The wielder may control the trailing rope as normal if the target is within the first two range increments. This weapon counts as a heavy crossbow when calculating its penalties when firing one-handed.
Scimitar, Two-Bladed
A two-bladed scimitar is a double weapon—twin, curved blades extend from either side of a central, short haft, allowing the wielder to attack with graceful but deadly flourishes.
A two-bladed scimitar counts as a scimitar for feats and effects that specify a particular weapon, such as Improved Critical or Weapon Focus.
Ten Foot Pole
Often used to test ground for traps or hidden hazards, the ten foot pole is not weighted for combat, but can still be an effective weapon. Although a ten foot pole possesses the reach weapon special feature, it does not normally benefit from the Polearm Mastery Equipment talent (see below).
A creature proficient with the ten foot pole may choose to wield the weapon at the edge of its extension. When used in this fashion, the ten foot pole loses its double weapon quality, but counts as a polearm for the purpose of talents such as Polearm Master or Spear Dancer. However, when used in this fashion, add 5 ft. when determining the weapon’s maximum and minimum reaches. (Thus, in the hands of a Medium creature, it would threaten spaces 15 ft. away, but not those 5-10 ft. away. If the wielder possesses Polearm Master, he could use that talent to make attacks against targets 10 ft. away, but not those 5 ft. away.)
Wielding a ten foot pole as a polearm requires enormous effort; the wielder suffers a -2 penalty to AC and CMD when wielding the ten foot pole in this fashion.
A common adventurer’s tool designed to shed light in dark places. A burning torch deals 1 point of fire damage in addition to its damage as a weapon. In the hands of a character who is proficient with the torch, this damage increases to 1d6 fire damage on a successful hit. The torch may also be used to make a melee touch attack that deals no weapon damage, but still deals 1d6 fire damage.
A torch burns for 1 hour, shedding normal light in a 20-ft. radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 20 ft. beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A torch does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light.
War Flute
This iron flute whistles when used to make attacks, unless its many holes are filled with cork or wax.
A war flute can be used with bardic performance and to make Perform (wind instrument) checks. A masterwork war flute counts as a masterwork instrument. A war flute may be created with special metals. It requires a DC 20 Perception check to discern that a war flute is not an ordinary flute.
War Lute
This lute has been properly balanced and weighted to be used as a weapon.
The combat lute has been reinforced with steel to serve as a bludgeoning weapon and may be used with a bardic performance even while being wielded as a weapon, as well as being us. A masterwork combat lute counts as a masterwork instrument.
War Mallet
A war mallet has two sides; a padded side usable with percussion instruments, and a hard side similar to a mace head. The war mallet is used by military drummers to let them fight while signaling tactics to their fellow soldiers.
War mallets come with a drum, and can be used with bardic performance and to make Perform (percussion) checks. A masterwork war mallet counts as a masterwork instrument. A war mallet may be created with special metals.
A war mallet can be used to deal nonlethal damage with no penalty.
Weapon Modifications
Chain Net
This net is made from a fine mesh of linked chains. This modification may be added to any net or snag net to grant it 15 additional hit points and increase its hardness by 5 and give it a burst DC of 30. A chain net may be made from special materials such as adamantine or mithral, granting the material’s hardness and hit points as per 1 inch of the special material.
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Scabbard, Oiler
Price 20 gp; Weight +1 lb.
This scabbard modification consists of a refillable bladder large enough to hold the contents of a single weapon blanche, potion, or oil and grooves for distributing the bladder’s contents over the surface of the stored weapon. The weapon’s wielder may empty the contents of the bladder onto the weapon as a swift action, thus applying the potion, oil, or other magical or alchemical fluid designed to be applied to a weapon. Filling the bladder requires a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
This modification can be applied to any weapon that does not possess the nonlethal special feature. A training weapon gains the nonlethal special feature, but deals damage as if it were 1 size smaller. A training weapon deals only bludgeoning damage regardless of its normal damage types. Most training weapons are constructed entirely of wood and cost half as much as a normal weapon of its type.
Spheres of Might, © 2017, Drop Dead Studios LLC; Authors: Adam Meyers, Michael Sayre, Andrew Stoeckle, N. Jolly
Home >Alternative Rule Systems >Spheres of Might >Character Options >Contents
- Weapon Descriptions
- Weapon Modifications
(Martial) Light Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
War mallet | 15 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | x2 | – | 2 lbs. | B | distracting, performance, see text |
(Martial) One-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
War flute | 16 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x2 | – | 7 lbs. | B | distracting, performance, see text |
(Martial) Two-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
War lute | 50 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | x3 | – | 8 lbs | B | distracting, performance, see text |
(Exotic) Light Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Battle wrench | 80 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | x3 | – | 3 lbs. | B | disarm, see text |
Climbing pick | 20 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | x4 | – | 1 lbs. | P | see text |
Torch | 1 cp | 1d2 | 1d3 | x2 | 10 ft. | 2 lbs. | B | see text |
(Exotic) One-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Battle stein | 10 gp | 1d4 | 1d6 | x2 | – | 5 lbs. | B | see text |
(Exotic) Two-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Fishing tackle | 20 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | x2 | – | 5 lbs. | B | grapple, see text |
Dual blade | 350 gp | 2d4 | 2d6 | 19-20/x2 | – | 12 lbs. | S | see text |
Scimitar, two-bladed | 100 gp | 1d4/1d4 | 1d6/1d6 | 18-20/x2 | – | 10 lbs. | S | double |
Ten foot pole | 5 sp | 1d4/1d4 | 1d6/1d6 | x2 | – | 15 lbs. | B | double, reach, see text |
(Exotic) Ranged Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Net launcher | 75 gp | – | – | – | 30 ft. | 8 lbs. | – | see text |
Modifications | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight | Type | Special |
Chain net | +100 gp | – | – | – | – | +15 lbs. | – | see text |
Scabbard, oiler | +20 gp | – | – | – | – | +1 lb. | – | see text |
Training | 1/2 | As base weapon | +0 lbs. | B | see text |
Weapon Descriptions
Battle Stein
This mug seems to be an ordinary lidded stein, but is weighted and reinforced for combat.
If a creature is proficient with the battle stein and is currently wielding it, that creature may drink its contents as a move action. If they possess the hard drinker ability from the Barroom base sphere, they may drink the contents as a swift action after making an attack action with the battle stein. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This benefit cannot be used to drink an extract.
Battle Wrench
This object appears to be an oversized wrench, but is weighted for swinging.
The battle wrench is not simply a single tool, but is equipped with many foldable parts that allow it to double as a set of thieves’ tools when performing Disable Device checks. A masterwork battle wrench counts as a set of masterwork thieves’ tools.
The battle wrench’s slim design makes it possible to hide with the Sleight of Hand skill.
Climbing Pick
Balanced and sharpened for equal utility in penetrating rock and piercing armor.
While anyone can use a climbing pick to climb, a creature proficient with the climbing pick can also use it for warfare. Also, the bonus provided by a climbing pick to climbing checks increases to +2 in the hands of someone proficient in its use.
Dual Blade
Dmg Fishing Tackle Company
This sword appears to be a single blade, but easily splits into two. The dual blade functions as a single sword, but as a swift action can be split into two smaller swords. When split in this fashion, the dual blades deal 1d6 damage (1d4 for Small creatures) and are treated as light weapons. These weapons may be joined into a dual blade as a swift action. A dual blade can only be joined with both parts of the original weapon. If a dual blade possesses an enhancement bonus and weapon special abilities, both separate weapons gain all of its associated magic, but with its enhancement bonus treated as if it were 1 lower on each individual sword (minimum 0). Dual blades come with a sheath that requires them to be combined in order to be stored.
Fishing Tackle
A fishing rod, string, hook, and lure. Fishing tackle grants a +1 circumstance bonus on Survival checks when gathering food around bodies of water that contain fish. If a character is proficient with the fishing tackle, this bonus increases to +2.
In the hands of a proficient character, fishing tackle is both a melee weapon (in which it case it has no range and deals bludgeoning damage) and a ranged weapon (in which case it has a maximum range of 20 ft. and deals piercing damage, but has its damage die decreased by 2 sizes). Retrieving the hook after making a ranged attack is a free action.
In addition to making ranged attacks, you may also use a fishing rod to manipulate objects or people. Upon making a successful ranged touch attack against an unattended object that you could hold in one hand, you may immediately move that object to your hand as a free action. Targets whose natural reach includes the path that object must take (i.e., are within the line of effect) can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your base attack bonus + your Dexterity modifier) as an immediate action to attempt to grab the object as it flies by.
Dmg Fishing Tackle Box
Alternately, if you succeed at a ranged touch attack against a creature, you may attempt a drag, trip, disarm, or stealcombat maneuver against that target at a distance as a free action. Performing a maneuver from a distance in this fashion does not provoke an attack of opportunity (except as normal when making a ranged attack).
Net Launcher
Resembling an unusually sized crossbow, this device can launch a net much farther than it can be thrown.
This modified heavy crossbow may only be loaded with a bola, brutal bola, or a folded net or snag net. The wielder may control the trailing rope as normal if the target is within the first two range increments. This weapon counts as a heavy crossbow when calculating its penalties when firing one-handed.
Scimitar, Two-Bladed
A two-bladed scimitar is a double weapon—twin, curved blades extend from either side of a central, short haft, allowing the wielder to attack with graceful but deadly flourishes.
A two-bladed scimitar counts as a scimitar for feats and effects that specify a particular weapon, such as Improved Critical or Weapon Focus.
Ten Foot Pole
Often used to test ground for traps or hidden hazards, the ten foot pole is not weighted for combat, but can still be an effective weapon. Although a ten foot pole possesses the reach weapon special feature, it does not normally benefit from the Polearm Mastery Equipment talent (see below).
A creature proficient with the ten foot pole may choose to wield the weapon at the edge of its extension. When used in this fashion, the ten foot pole loses its double weapon quality, but counts as a polearm for the purpose of talents such as Polearm Master or Spear Dancer. However, when used in this fashion, add 5 ft. when determining the weapon’s maximum and minimum reaches. (Thus, in the hands of a Medium creature, it would threaten spaces 15 ft. away, but not those 5-10 ft. away. If the wielder possesses Polearm Master, he could use that talent to make attacks against targets 10 ft. away, but not those 5 ft. away.)
Wielding a ten foot pole as a polearm requires enormous effort; the wielder suffers a -2 penalty to AC and CMD when wielding the ten foot pole in this fashion.
A common adventurer’s tool designed to shed light in dark places. A burning torch deals 1 point of fire damage in addition to its damage as a weapon. In the hands of a character who is proficient with the torch, this damage increases to 1d6 fire damage on a successful hit. The torch may also be used to make a melee touch attack that deals no weapon damage, but still deals 1d6 fire damage.
A torch burns for 1 hour, shedding normal light in a 20-ft. radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 20 ft. beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A torch does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light.
War Flute
This iron flute whistles when used to make attacks, unless its many holes are filled with cork or wax.
A war flute can be used with bardic performance and to make Perform (wind instrument) checks. A masterwork war flute counts as a masterwork instrument. A war flute may be created with special metals. It requires a DC 20 Perception check to discern that a war flute is not an ordinary flute.
War Lute
This lute has been properly balanced and weighted to be used as a weapon.
The combat lute has been reinforced with steel to serve as a bludgeoning weapon and may be used with a bardic performance even while being wielded as a weapon, as well as being us. A masterwork combat lute counts as a masterwork instrument.
War Mallet
A war mallet has two sides; a padded side usable with percussion instruments, and a hard side similar to a mace head. The war mallet is used by military drummers to let them fight while signaling tactics to their fellow soldiers.
War mallets come with a drum, and can be used with bardic performance and to make Perform (percussion) checks. A masterwork war mallet counts as a masterwork instrument. A war mallet may be created with special metals.
A war mallet can be used to deal nonlethal damage with no penalty.
Weapon Modifications
Chain Net
This net is made from a fine mesh of linked chains. This modification may be added to any net or snag net to grant it 15 additional hit points and increase its hardness by 5 and give it a burst DC of 30. A chain net may be made from special materials such as adamantine or mithral, granting the material’s hardness and hit points as per 1 inch of the special material.
Scabbard, Oiler
Price 20 gp; Weight +1 lb.
This scabbard modification consists of a refillable bladder large enough to hold the contents of a single weapon blanche, potion, or oil and grooves for distributing the bladder’s contents over the surface of the stored weapon. The weapon’s wielder may empty the contents of the bladder onto the weapon as a swift action, thus applying the potion, oil, or other magical or alchemical fluid designed to be applied to a weapon. Filling the bladder requires a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Discount Fishing Tackle
This modification can be applied to any weapon that does not possess the nonlethal special feature. A training weapon gains the nonlethal special feature, but deals damage as if it were 1 size smaller. A training weapon deals only bludgeoning damage regardless of its normal damage types. Most training weapons are constructed entirely of wood and cost half as much as a normal weapon of its type.
Wholesale Fishing Tackle
Spheres of Might, © 2017, Drop Dead Studios LLC; Authors: Adam Meyers, Michael Sayre, Andrew Stoeckle, N. Jolly